Chapter 3 The model specification

Models are specified as a C++ class/struct that should have the following signature

struct model{
  // data statements
  void preProcess(){
    // preprocess (called only once) here

  template < class varType, class tensorType, bool storeNames>
  void operator()(amt::amtModel<varType,tensorType,storeNames> &model__){
    // specifcation of model target density ++ here
}; // end of struct

The name of the class/struct is arbitrary

3.1 A simple worked example

Now consider specifying the model \(y_i \sim\) iid \(N(\mu,\exp(\lambda)),\;i=1,\dots,n\) (with flat priors on \(\mu,\lambda\)) for a given data set \(\mathbf y\). We wish to sample from the posterior distribution of \((\mu,\lambda)\), and in addition, get samples from the posterior distribution of \(\sigma=\exp(0.5\lambda)\).

The model class would look something like

using namespace amt;
struct model{
  DATA_VECTOR(y); // data to be passed from R
  void preProcess(){} // not used in this example 

  template < class varType, class tensorType, bool storeNames>
  void operator()(amt::amtModel<varType,tensorType,storeNames> &model__){
    PARAMETER_SCALAR(mu); // parameter (sampled quantity)
    PARAMETER_SCALAR(lambda); // parameter (sampled quantity)
    // note; all variables depending on the parameters must be of type varType
    varType sigma = exp(0.5*lambda);
    // add data likelihood to the model object
    // add sigma as a quantity to produce samples of
}; // end of struct

When stored in file basic_model.cpp, the above model specification may be compiled using

model <- pdmphmc::build("basic_model.cpp")
## model name : model
## process type : HMCProcessConstr
## Runge Kutta step type : RKDP54
## Transport map type : diagLinearTM_VARI
## compilation exited successfully

Then let’s simulate some data and run the model:

y <- rnorm(10) # y is iid N(0,1) with n=10
fit <- pdmphmc::run(model,data=list(y=y))

Finally, get a summary of the sampled- and generated quantities, based on rstan::monitor:

## run output for model: model
## # of chains : 4
## Summary based on discrete samples:
##         mean se_mean    sd n_eff  Rhat
## mu     0.079   0.006 0.340  2804 1.001
## lambda 0.025   0.010 0.511  2746 1.003
## sigma  1.048   0.006 0.293  2763 1.003
## summary based on integrated samples:
##    estimate se_estimate n_eff  Rhat
## V1    1.049       0.004  1794 1.001
## NOTE: integrated samples do NOT reflect the complete target distibution, only indicated moments with respect to the target distribution

Further functions exist for inspecting the output, e.g. trace plots


In the next chapter, a more detailed summary of the possibilities of the model specification is given.