Chapter 1 About

This document provides documentation of the pdmphmc(piecewise deterministic Markov process HMC) package.

The package is available on github and is most easily installed via devtools::install_github("") (requires the devtools package)

The package implements, with some modifications and substantial additions, the methodology of Kleppe (2022a), Kleppe (2022b).

1.1 What is pdmphmc?

pdmphmc is a system for carrying out probability computations, typically associated with Bayesian statistical modelling. pdmphmc consist of

  • A very flexible system for specifying Bayesian statistical models using C++ classes.

  • An implementation of numerical generalized randomized Hamiltonian Monte Carlo samplers for MCMC-like computations for models specified in the above mentioned system.

1.2 Why pdmphmc?

Many packages provides computational methods for Bayesian statistical models. pdmphmc is designed to be computationally fast and stable, even for high-dimensional models and/or models where the posterior distribution exhibits complicated non-linear dependence structures. Particular emphasis has been on developing and implementing methodology suitable for fitting non-linear hierarchical models, and also models involving hard constraints/restricted domains.

1.3 Prerequisites


———. 2022a. “Connecting the Dots: Numerical Randomized Hamiltonian Monte Carlo with State-Dependent Event Rates.” Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics.
———. 2022b. “Log-Density Gradient Covariance and Automatic Metric Tensors for Riemann Manifold Monte Carlo Methods.”